Our Research

From Plato’s first alarm clock powered by water in Ancient Greece, to the invention of the printing press in the 15th century, access to the latest technologies has always been an integral part of everyday life. Nowadays, that statement is more true than ever, with a seemingly limitless amount of functions and options available to us through modern technology. Moving forward, the discussion is now focused on ways to keep up with the ever growing demand of increased computational power and storage, cleaner energy alternatives and improved efficiency. Whilst attempts at producing quantum computers and progress on electrical cars hit the headlines, the materials, whose chemical, electrical and physical properties make these technologies possible are often left the forgotten heroes. However, before application is even a possibility, we must understand how these materials operate from a fundamental perspective.

In the Clark Group, we aim to synthesise, characterise and understand complex quantum materials.

The materials we study display highly unusual and exotic physical properties, that are at the very limit of our current understanding. Increasing our fundamental understanding of these phenomena could be the first steps to as yet unimagined new technologies.

We have put together a general summary of our work in our magnetism and techniques pages, as well as more in-depth case studies of some of our recent research highlights.